“Practice needs progression”

Yoshio had to leave town again.
Yoshio will start teaching his classes again from November on!
Ale is subbing the Thursday Handstand Training.
All other classes will be taught by our lovely Yogaloft teachers until Yohsio is back.
Mo. 19:00 Natascha
Di 11:00 Nadja, Theresa and Anja
Mi 18:30 Bryony
Fr 13:00 Kari
Namaskar dear Yogaloft Sangha!
Hope this text finds you all strong and happy 💪🏽😃👍🏽
It is important for me to rich out to you all and apologize because I had to leave Munich due to an unexpected housing problem with toxic mold on the walls at home. As many of you know I have a baby boy of 5 month old and this kind of molds are a life threatening for young kids and that’s why we left on Friday night because we didn’t have any where to stay.
Sorry that I didn’t have chance to say bye or let you know in advance but we had to go back to my partner home town in Italy where we can stay together with the baby until this situation is solved.
The experts said that it may take few months because they will need to do a major work on the walls, so will keep you posted.
In the meantime please keep practicing and remember that only constant practice will give you the answers.
Love and respect to you all.
Handstand Training
In dieser Stunde stellen wir die Welt auf den Kopf!
Die Klasse ist für jeden geeignet, der schon immer einmal den Handstand lernen wollte, egal ob du noch ganz am Anfang stehst und noch nie im Handstand standest oder schon an Shape shifts arbeitest – hier sind all bodies & souls willkommen.
Let’s get upside down!
Die Stunde ist ganz und gar dem Handstand gewidmet, beginnend mit einem ausführlichen warm-up für den ganzen Körper und auf jedes Level angepasste Übungen mit Partner oder Wand, ist hier für jeden etwas dabei. Wir enden gemeinsam mit einem regenerierenden cool down – all bodies welcome.

Immer Donnerstag, 17:00 – 18:15
Normaler Stundentarif